Writing in my head

It’s not the same as writing on paper or writing in the laptop, but I daily tell myself stories in my head. My imagination seems to pick up wherever I left off the day before, and there I go thinking through some odd little snippet of a story. It’s a way of developing the plot, or refining a character, or figuring out what to do with some dead end that I wrote myself into a while ago.

This works best while I’m out in the garden, where my hands may be busy but my mind can separate from the task and wander far afield. Or I do this while I’m in the woods looking for the blue-stain fungus, Chlorociboria aeruginascens. And sometimes I find it!

I’m in Chapter 4 on my third novel, and should be sitting at the laptop daily finishing that one up because the fourth novel is crowding in on it.

And I’ll get to it, but meanwhile, I’m writing and revising in my head.

Writing in my head
Blue stain fungus, ACDibble photo

A. D. Morel is a pen name for Alison Dibble. Alison took a pen name because in her day job as an ecologist she has written more than 30 technical peer review papers to report scientific studies she has undertaken. When she chose to write fiction, she wanted freedom from the constraints of always having to present the facts from an unbiased stance.